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  • Writer's pictureCerissa

2020 Vision

As the year 2020 began, the only thing I could think about were eyeglasses. Yep, the eye doctor, glasses, contacts, and that never ending strive for 20/20 vision. It was humorous to me, and I couldn't get past it!

And then something happened. That word "VISION" started to transform in my mind. No longer was it vision, as in eyesight, it was a more powerful form of vision - the kind that looks forward into the future. As I was reflecting on the past year, I realized that this kind of vision is powerful beyond measure. It goes beyond simply setting goals and planning for your future, but it allows you to actually see it come alive in your mind.

I've heard it said that when you can visualize your future, it's more likely that your dreams will come true and your goals will be accomplished.

So, what are these visions exactly?

For starters,

it's teaching in salons again. I mentioned in my last post that I started Hair Rebel Academy in 2019. I have a couple of classes lined up for this year already, and I am so excited to get more!

Becoming a true extension specialist.

In October last year I became certified in Hand Tied Weft extensions, but I want more. In May I will be attending a master class to be certified in ALL methods of extensions.

Growing my business.

I spent most of 2019 with hair stylist coach Britt Seva. After finishing the year long program, I made the decision to continue with her alumni program. Instead, I am now training as part of Lo Wheeler's Luxury Hairstylist program. For those who don't know who she is - well, she's a blonding mega star in the hair industry! Her program will not only teach her magical blonding ways, but soooo much more about business and providing the luxury experience that I want to provide to my guests.

Working on myself.

Last year I started working towards what Rachel Hollis calls her "5 to Thrive" - wake up an hour early and use the time for yourself, drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day, workout at least 30 minutes three times a week, give up one category of food you know you shouldn't eat, and write down 10 things that you're grateful for each day. I've done 2 of the 5 of these so far, and am about half way to 2 others. This is my year to change those habits and make it happen.

There will be more...

You'll have to stay tuned to see what's going on. I may not have figured it all out yet, but rest assured that I will. My 2020 vision is strong, and that's how I know I will succeed.

What's your vision? Share it with me in the comments!!!

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